.. _Evaluate NeurEco Regression model with GUI: Evaluate NeurEco Regression model with the GUI ============================================== * Switch to the **Evaluation** tab .. figure:: ../../../../images/GUIRegressionEvaluationTab.png :width: 700 :alt: **Evaluate** tab for **Tabular Regression** :align: center **Evaluate** tab for **Tabular Regression** * Choose the file to evaluate in **Evaluation files** section: * If the file was supplied in **Settings** for **Build**, it is already listed in **Evaluation files** * To add new file for evaluation, press **+** in **Additional** section of **Evaluation files** * For **Evaluate**, the output file is not required. When it is available, it can be provided for the comparison purposes. * Once the input file clicked (or a pair input/output), the results of **Evaluate** are displayed. Here inputs file **x_test.csv** was added and evaluated: .. figure:: ../../../../images/GUIRegressionEvalResult.png :width: 700 :alt: Results of **Evaluate** for **Tabular Regression** :align: center Results of **Evaluate** for **Tabular Regression** * | To save the results of evaluation into a CSV, NumPy or MAT-file, click **Export prediction**. | If the box **Also export original files** is checked, the input file or input/output files will be exported as well. .. Note:: | By default, the evaluation is performed with the last model available in the checkpoint. | Use the checkpoint slider in the bottom to choose any other available model and **Evaluate** with it.